Monday, May 10:
2nd Half of Team Four Social Studies Field Trip!
Pre-AP: Imagery Activity and Word Wall Squares for Tom Sawyer Vocabulary
Punctuation Practice: Page 600 Ex. 8 (1-10) Ex. 9 (1-12)
Tuesday, May 11:
Pre-AP: Read Chapter 33; Hand out Poetry Research Project
English 7: Subject Verb Agreement
Wednesday, May 12:
Pre-AP: Finish Tom Sawyer! Homework: Last Journal Assignment
English 7: Subject Verb Agreement
Thursday, May 13:
Pre-AP: Last Reading Quiz (Ch. 23-35) Word Art; Homework: Study Vocabulary!
English 7: Subject Verb Agreement; Homework: Study for Subject Verb Agreement Test!
Friday: May 14:
Pre-AP: Tom Sawyer 2nd half Vocabulary Test (Chapters 16-35)
English 7: Subject Verb Agreement Test